To ensure the safety of all guests, Barefoot on the Beach will be held on its new date of Thursday, April 28. All other times and offerings will stay the same. Thank you for your continued support as Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County adjusts schedules to reflect current conditions. The annual white party is the must-attend event of the Palm Beach social season. Guests clad in all-white attire celebrate the “unofficial” close of the Palm Beach Social season at the exclusive Breakers Beach Club. The evening includes cocktails, dinner, live auction, and dancing until midnight by the south pool deck and bungalow deck. The 20th Annual Barefoot on the Beach event will support the overall Club operating expenses at Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County and summer camp programming for members aged 6 to 18. Founding chairmen for this event are Reid Boren, Tommy Quick and Wally Turner.Event Calendar
Barefoot on the Beach Boys & Girls Club PBC
January 18, 2022
Chairmen for the event are Margaret & Franck Duriez and Maura Ziska & Eric Christu.