Join Us for a Fun Evening on Wednesday, June 26, from 6 to 9 p.m. at The National Arts Club, at 15 Gramercy Park South (20th Street in Manhattan) for the 2019 Book Awards Literary Salon and Awards Presentation. NES members and guests are invited to join the fun with, cocktails, a hearty selection of hors d’oeuvres and a lively panel Q&A session emceed by Board Member Matt Rimi at the historic National Arts Club, the quaint and beautiful Victorian Gothic former home of Samuel J. Tilden. For the first time, current and former NES Scholars will introduce the winning authors! Register now for the celebration of words and books that represent and elevate the best of that noble corner of America that we know and love as New England! Ellen Scordato Register early and save! Early pricing runs through June 21. Single ticket prices are as follows:Event Calendar
Book Awards Literary Salon & Awards Presentation
June 26, 2019 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Roland Foster Miller
NES Book Awards Co-Chairs
Junior Members (must be 40 or younger): $70
Junior Non-Members (40 or younger): $75
NES Members: $80
Non-Members: $85
Single tickets after June 21: $95