The inaugural U.S. edition of COLLECTIBLE—the only internationally renowned fair dedicated to contemporary collectible design—will be taking place September 5–8, 2024 at WSA in New York City, following several renowned editions held in Brussels since 2018. COLLECTIBLE will feature four distinct sections and four curated spaces: MAIN, BESPOKE, OUTDOOR, NEW GARDE, ARCHITECT ⇔ DESIGNER, CURATED, FASHION, AND POST POST NEW NEW, all of which highlight a plethora of design studios, galleries, independent designers, and institutions hailing from around the world. COLLECTIBLE will feature more than 100 exhibitors, but notable names include Crina Arghirescu Architecture, Emma Scully Gallery, Kiki Goti Studio, Kouros Maghsoudi, Max Radford, Nick Poe, ST VINCENTS, Umberto Bellardi Ricci, Willett, and more.Event Calendar
September 5 @ 11:00 AM - September 8 @ 5:00 PM