Pick a card, any card! On his journey to learn more about the long history between magic and playing cards, world champion magician Shawn Farquhar reveals the tantalizing clues to a Medieval cold case murder hidden among the Jacks, Queens and Kings. Join us at the Angelika Village East for two exclusive screenings of Lost in the Shuffle, a Special Presentation film at this year’s prestigious Hot Docs film festival. Featuring five of the world’s best sleight-of-hand artists, the film looks at the unique creative relationship between magicians and playing card while also unwrapping a tantalizing theory that hidden in the art of every standard deck of cards are the clues to the cold case murder of a French king in 1498. Check out the trailer! https://youtu.be/HrOOw8B5yMI?si=UYDCE-j88YzsUaVK Following the film stick around for a live performance from Farquhar and a Q&A that will also feature director Jon Ornoy.Event Calendar
Documentary Screening + Live Magic From World Champion Shawn Farquhar
August 28 @ 7:00 PM - August 29 @ 9:00 PM