An evening of comedy featuring the city’s most celebrated stand-up comedians. Hosted by Marie Faustin. Loft Comedy is produced by Marianne Ways, hailed as “one of the most important gatekeepers in Brooklyn’s fertile stand-up scene” by The New York Times; and Carly Hoogendyk, formerly the comedy booker at Caveat, ( praised by Comedy Cake for being a “leader in thoughtful, eclectic comedy programming. All event tickets include museum admission to experience our exhibitions on view. Space is limited for Patron RSVP’s to general admission events. Trouble getting your Member Tickets?Event Calendar
Loft Comedy
June 11 @ 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Members are able to get a limited number of discounted tickets on a first come, first served basis.
Email (, and we will see how we can help!