During the lockdown of 2020, Maryam Eisler brought together 164 of the world’s most influential artists, interviewing and photographing them over video calls to create a unique series of portraits and accompanying insights. Like 21st century miniatures, each of Eisler’s portraits is contained within the frame of the mobile phone. Each screen shot is a portal into the world of the artist. We see glimpses of homes and studios that had also become spaces of confinement during the pandemic. Renowned for her captivating photographs of artists, Eisler also elicits their ideas, philosophies, and survival strategies in what is a unique art historical record. Embracing different generations and geographies, Confined Artists – Free Spirits is a definitive survey of the artists of our time, at once personal, political, and poetic. Artist Maryam Eisler created an exhibition of photographs and video stories from virtual conversations with artists during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown that will be presented at LongHouse Reserve from August 22 – September 1 Second Artist Talk: MARYAM EISLER PANEL WITH ERIC FISCHL, HARPER LEVINE, JOEL MESLER AND SHEREE HOVSEPIANEvent Calendar
LongHouse Talks: Maryam Eisler Panel moderated by Max Blagg with Shirin Neshat and Mickalene Thomas
August 22 @ 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
$25 – $35
Moderated by Maryam Eisler
Wednesday, August 28 | 5:00–7:00 PM
Second talk tickets: https://longhouse.org/products/longhouse-talks-maryam-eisler-august-28