Internationally acclaimed, award-winning solo show written and performed by cancer survivor Valerie David, directed by Padraic Lillis and Maris Heller. Now battling breast cancer after fighting off lymphoma, Valerie does something most people facing cancer in their life probably wouldn’t think of doing. With a fear that she might lose “the girls,” she takes them out for one last hurrah. And does Valerie succeed? Is there a “happy ending”? Come see the show to find out! This adventurous solo show follows Valerie’s journey to seek her own “hulk-like” strength to find her superhero within to become a two-time cancer survivor. An empowering and true story of inspiration that’s been touring the globe, with plenty of humor—guaranteed! Valerie “hulked out” on cancer. Her solo play is a celebration of being comfortable in one’s own skin, of embracing and accepting one’s own body—no matter the shape or size. And her performances coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Her comical take is sure to have audience members laughing out loud, to capture their emotions, and to inspire them to find their own inner superheroes to help them conquer any adversity in their own lives. The Pink Hulk is a true testament to the power we have within to fight back any adversity in life—to never give up and always have hope! The Pink Hulk is co-presented by the Theatre at the 14th Street Y. Tech Director: Emily Anderson; Public Relations: Paul Siebold/Off Off PR. Tickets are $25. Students/Seniors/Special interest groups: $15. For more information, visit Theater at the 14th Street Y or call 646-395-4310. All tickets are subject to a $2.99 servicing fee. The runtime is 75 minutes with no intermission and mature content, plus a 20-minute talkback. Eight performances will be staged on the following schedule: Tuesday, October 8th at 1:00 p.m.; Thursday, October 10th at 7:30 p.m. (Opening Night Reception); Friday, October 11th at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, October 11th at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, October 12th at 1:00 p.m.; Saturday, October 12th at 7:30 p.m. (Special Guest Panel Talkback); Sunday, October 13th at 1:00 p.m.; and Sunday, October 13th at 5:00 p.m. Valerie David (playwright/performer/producer) wrote the autobiographical comedic drama The Pink Hulk as a two-time cancer survivor to express the empowerment she felt being able to find humor and superhero inner strength going through two bouts of cancer—first Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (1999) and then Stage II Breast Cancer (2014-2015), 15 years later. She is a true superhero. Valerie raises money through The Pink Hulk performances for domestic and international cancer organizations. She is currently developing her new solo show Baggage from BaghDAD about her father and his family fleeing Iraq in 1941 from religious persecution—and how their survival shaped who she is today.Event Calendar
The Pink Hulk: One Woman’s Journey to Find the Superhero Within
October 8, 2019 @ 1:00 PM - October 13, 2019 @ 5:00 PM
“My show is not just about fighting cancer; it has a universal message of hope and empowerment,” Valerie said. And after all, a cancer diagnosis means only one thing: Time to get laid! Valerie has been performing worldwide in 26 different theater venues since its debut in 2016, garnering rave reviews and winning several awards including The WOW award in Sweden’s Gothenburg Fringe Festival.