Despite thunderstorms sweeping across South Florida, threatening to cloud The Norton Art Museum’s 2020 Galaon Saturday night, more than 750 patrons, collectors, and culturati converged for cocktails, dinner, and dancing to celebrate the venerable institution’s 45th Gala benefit. Two nights earlier, I stopped in for ArtBeat2020, a pre-Gala function where more than 300 supporters gathered for drinks before retiring to the Ruth and Carl Shapiro Great Hall for a party mix with DJ Mad Marj, aka Marjorie Gubelmann, within the venue’s new Lord Norman Foster, Foster + Partners, designed Kenneth C. Griffin Building.
The Norton Museum of Art’s 45th Gala celebrated Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern, an exhibition exploring the artist’s work and public persona as well as illustrating the power of visionary women. The Gala 2020 Chairs were Lori Gendelman, Nicki Harris, Amy Phelan, and Anne Reyes. The event’s Honorary Chairs were Beth Rudin DeWoody, Michele Kessler, Judy Lauder, and Sally Ross Soter.
Among The Norton Gala’s most generous patrons were: Ann and Gil Maurer, Jane Carroll and Leo Arnaboldi, The Postage Stamp Farm Foundation, Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, John and Carol Moran, Amy and John Phelan, Rick Salomon and Laura Landro, Ruth and Ted Baum Mr. and Mrs. James N. Bay, Nancy Brinker, May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. / Beth Rudin DeWoody and Firooz Zahedi / Madeleine K. Rudin, Jim and Audrey Foster, Lori and Bruce Gendelman, Audrey and Martin D. Gruss, J. Ira and Nicki Harris, Jane Holzer, Thomas and Judith Iovino / Ellen and Larry Sosnow, Ann and Tom Johnson, Jim and Irene Karp / Jean S. Sharf, Michele and Howard Kessler, Sidney Kohl Family Foundation, Leonard and Judy Lauder, Loewenberg Charitable Foundation / James R. Loewenberg / Robin Loewenberg Tebbe & Mark Tebbe, Nicola and Jeff Marcus, Thomas and Heidi McWilliams, Mitchell and Hilarie Morgan, Anne and Chris Reyes, Toni and Martin Sosnoff, William John and Sarah Ross Soter, Sotheby’s, Christine and Bob Stiller, Robbi and Bruce Toll, and the Kerry and Simone Vickar Family Foundation. Corporate support included SALVATORE FERRAGAMO, Sotheby’s, and Graff.
1 February 2020 – 6:30 pm. 45th Gala benefit for The Norton Art Museum 1450 South Dixie Highway — West Palm Beach
30 January 2020 – 7:30 pm. 2020 ArtBeat Pre-Gala Party Norton Art Museum 1450 South Dixie Highway – West Palm Beach