January 1936
Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Scottsdale
January 1936
February 1936
Arizona Inn, Tucson
February 1936
Castle Hot Springs, Arizona
Hacienda De La Osa
Sasabe, Arizona
November 1936
February 1937
April 1937
Luncheon at the Wolcott Blairs
April 1937
A night class in photography
April 1937
Du Pont house party, Newton Square, Pennsylvania
May 1937
Virginia Gold Cup Races
July 1937
Dark Harbor/Isleboro, Maine. Yachting with the Legendres.
September 1937
Mary Warburton’s mysterious death
November 1937
Medway Plantation, South Carolina
ON LONG ISLAND, 1935-1938
June, 1935
Fishers Island-New London Boat Race
Amory and Dolly Carhart’s Luncheon at Fishers Island
1 July – 6 July 1937
At High Pool, Deering and Polly Howe’s house in Brooksville, Long Island.
4 July 1937
Joan Whitney Payson’s “Come-As-A-Picture Party”
5 July 1937, 4 pm
Lunch at Tom and Edith Bancroft’s house
December 1937
Gardner’s Island, Winston Guest’s pheasant hunt weekend
4 July-9 July 1938
A stay at High Pool with Deering and Polly Howe
Lunch with Edith and Tom Bancroft
July 1938
Lunch at David and Ailsa Mellon Bruce’s house
September 1938
Duneside, Gin Lane, Southampton