Monday, January 1, 2024/New Year’s Eve. Yesterday was overcast with temps in low 40s; just as it’s been through the last few weeks of the old year. Some rain, otherwise dry and dull.
Today’s Diary is an annual affair. It started about twenty years ago when we were still new on the scene, and we received a lot of Christmas cards — for the first time — that year. I’ve never been a card sender. Christmas cards were always a special event growing up, however. And frankly I enjoy receiving them as much as I did as a kid.
When I was in college, the local Post Office hired some of us students to do a second shift because of the volume the cards produced. It was interesting being a postman. Postmen belong to that class of humans who are daily exposed to the riff-raff and the lunacy that is commonplace in our world today. Postmen also see the brighter better side of us too.
This year’s cards also reminded me of how all things inevitably change in the nature of Life. The cards that I delivered a half century ago were different than today’s. Decidedly. Religion was the inspiration as Christmas was a religious holiday; an anniversary of the birth of the Christ child on the 25th of December. Even though he was evidently born on another date.
Nevertheless, the theme of the cards back then were either religious or a celebration of the day reflecting the time of year — winter; rides through the snow, etc. Today’s cards as you may have noticed or even selected for yourself, are about us.
In the Age of Insta and TikTok we are now naturally inclined to picture ourselves or someone close by (with exceptions of course). And families. Line ‘em up and here we are wishing you a Merry Merry and Happy Happy! And FUN to look at.
I love ‘em all! They remind that it’s beautiful out there sometimes and some place, and something we all wish for and look forward to, even if for a day’s moment. Enjoy!