Monday, November 5, 2018. An Autumn weekend, sometimes chilly, sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy. Magnificent clouding over Manhattan on Saturday. I couldn’t resist getting shots of them. Masses of white and grey against the great sky blue canvas and the shadow darkened surfaces below.
I made my regular Zabar’s trip on Saturday, but I had another alternative. A friend of mine who lives in London and is now moving back to New York saw some of our city pics and was surprised to see that there was so much “green” at the end of October, early November. I hadn’t thought of it in terms of time although she was correct. Coincidentally I saw an article discussing that subject: the lateness of the turning of the foliage in the city. This was attributed to our changing weather patterns and all the warm temperatures coming during colder seasons that we’ve experienced in the past few years.
Still conscious of my friend’s comment and the article, I decided I’d make a point of looking for some bright foliage changes on my voyage to Zabar’s. And indeed it seemed as if my imagination had ordered the universe to do something about it because once I hit the Park and the transverses, there it was.
Meanwhile, while I was on my foliage venture, JH was also looking for the color, too. Only he and his camera were on another adventure photographing the Halloween décor that same day on the West Side. Décor is hardly the word for it; some call it a “spectacle.” Spooky, kooky and nuts! some might say, but courtesy of the West 69th Street Block Association, the block between Broadway and Central Park West – three city wide blocks – was turned into a journey of the imagination through fields of skulls, zombies, bloody scenes, along even a table setting complete with brains and rats for the spooksters “hanging” about. You see where they get “spooky” and “kooky?” …