We all know about the health benefits of eating your greens, but wearing your greens can be just as good for you. Green is a vibrant and symbolic shade, symbolizing the verdant season. And it is a harbinger of the fragrant flora to follow. The wearing of the green is a great convivial tradition so let’s wear it loudly and proudly and raise a toast to celebrate our human kinship, which we now need more than ever.
So, just who was St. Patrick? The patron saint of Ireland was born in Britain during the 4th Century when the isles were part of the Roman Empire. As a teenage boy, Irish pirates spirited him away to the Emerald Isle. After escaping, he experienced a message from the Lord instructing him to return to the land of the leprechauns to preach His word.
Today the tradition is celebrated on March 17th, the day of St. Patrick’s death. There are celebrations worldwide but none as iconic as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York City.
Did you know the NYC Saint Patrick’s Day Parade marched for the first time in 1762 — fourteen years before the Declaration of Independence! Sadly the parade, an institution to so many New Yorkers and visitors, will not take place due to the outbreak of Coronavirus. Following the CDC’s timely advice, it is not advisable for crowds to gather for fear of infection. No doubt, smaller celebrations of the day will take place at homes and at intimate gatherings all around town.
And while you won’t be making merry on a monumental scale this year, we have found some pieces that will lift your spirits. We fancy this deep sophisticated shade of green.
Or is the festive florals you fancy, lass? This is green as a symbol of nature and rebirth.
Hilary’s shamrock style shines brightly this month: “I always like a bit of shimmer. And though green is not usually my color of choice, I found these tops to be fun wearable and perfect for a nod to St. Patty’s or to any other event year round. I also particularly like these high-waisted pants which can also be paired with a classic T or crisp white shirt. Top it all off with a festive Top Hat and Irish eyes are bound to be smiling.”
We are taking our cue from Old Irish Blessings as we send our best to you and your loved ones in these trying and confusing times. Be safe, be careful, be informed.
We leave you with The Pipes & Drums of the Emerald Society of the NYPD, made up of the Irish born; sons, grandsons and great grandsons of active and retired police.